5 Ways to Clear Brain Fog Fast
Prior to sitting down to write this week’s blog I made myself a coffee.
I sat and sipped it.
Feeling the warm mug in my hands. Enjoying a peaceful moment. My mind drifted.
But wait. What was I doing? It truly takes a minute to remember!
I’m writing a blog!
That didn’t happen, but that’s how I can best explain what brain fog is like for me as a perimenopausal woman.
The constant feeling of “Oh wait- but what was I thinking of/saying/doing”!
Sometimes it feels like I know the words I want to say - I just can’t get them out!
Other times it feels like too much information is coming at me.
For me, it’s like Mommy Brain meets Midlife Brain!
That’s why I’m sharing 5 ways to clear brain fog fast today.
What exactly is Brain Fog?
Brain fog is a serious symptom of many medical conditions like major depressive disorder, multiple sclerosis, hypothyroidism, and trauma.
And yet Brain Fog, also called Mental Fatigue, often occurs because of everyday stress, insomnia, and family struggles.
Stress can deplete our mental energy leaving us feeling tapped out and in a fog!
Add decreasing estrogen and other hormonal shifts to that mix!
Ahh, Perimenopause.
Common symptoms of Brain Fog:
lack of concentration
a dull sense of feeling “off”
Brain fog in midlife is, without a doubt, frustrating and can be embarrassing, but the good news is that it’s not permanent, and by taking the right steps, you can clear brain fog fast!
We have all heard the following strategies to stay healthy:
1 Prioritize Sleep
2 Daily Movement
3 Stress Management
4 Healthy Nutrition and Stay Hydrated
These essential tips are really good for any negative symptom you have, right?!?
And as Midlife women, we can be pretty sure that we have heard that advice - over and over again!
But let’s look at 5 ways you can clear brain fog fast:
1. Writing tasks/notes and to-do lists by hand
Not only will this remove your eyes from your screen, giving your brain and eyes a break, but a brain connection is made when you handwrite anything.
It allows you to understand and remember what you write better than when you type or dictate words.
You become intentional, so an effort to organize your thoughts is made.
2. Talk out loud to someone else or yourself
This can break up how we give and receive information, keeping you on your toes!
There is also a cognitive bonus to talking out loud -speaking things out loud may create a greater recall of the information in the future as you are using another one of your senses to absorb information.
3. Movement
Give me 20!
Jumping Jacks, that is.
Take breaks when you start to feel the fog!
Turn up the music and move. Do some stretching.
Getting blood moving keeps your mind sharp and at attention.
4. Cold Water
Our brains love it in small doses.
Splash your face or let the cold water run on your wrists for a minute or two! I’ve been known to use ice cubes too!
And most importantly…
5. Practice self-compassion
Brain Fog happens!
Being open and honest about forgetting something, losing track of time, or spacing out demystifies and normalizes the experience.
You are not the only one. Most of us have been there (we think, anyway! 😄).
Self-compassion often begins with asking for help.
Whether you ask a spouse or teen to make dinner once a week.
Whether you delegate a task at work.
Being compassionate with yourself goes a long way.
I’m reminded of this theme song to The Facts of Life (if you know, you know):
You take the good, you take the bad,
you take them both, and there you have
The facts of life, the facts of life.
There are good and not-so-good facts about aging. And Brain Fog is a not-so-good one.
But now that you know 5 ways, you can clear brain fog fast. Hopefully, you can free up some time to get out and experience all the joy that comes with aging.
Looking for more? Let’s chat! Can I offer you a sample session with me?